2021,万象更新。跨境电商必将迎来新时代! 承载时代使命,上海交通大学海外教育学院适时推出“上交跨境产学研”...
Author: jiaoyuan
Primary School Admission
Schule offers the kind of education needed for leadership in a rapidly changing world.
Middle School Admission
We believe firmly in politeness, responsibility, respect, courtesy and good manners.
Upper School Admission
At Schule we believe that students’ best learning comes from a friendly environment.
Degree Programs
Schule offers the kind of education needed for leadership in a rapidly changing world.
Graduate Admission
At Schule we believe that students’ best learning comes from a friendly environment.
Undergraduate Admissions
We believe firmly in politeness, responsibility, respect, courtesy and good manners.
Our Values
We believe firmly in politeness, responsibility, respect, courtesy and good manners.